3 Ways The Address Encourages Community

Divya Sitlani
Divya Sitlani is the Client Relationship Manager at The Address. If you ever happen to visit The Address' Ahmedabad offices, do not miss to stop by and say Hi to her.

The Address is a coworking space which is spread over 50,000 square feet of area. It’s Gujarat’s largest coworking space with the highest number of seats. The Address has a community comprising of 500 clients. All these clients are various freelancers, MNC’s and startups and all of them work under one roof. For the community, The Address is not just a workplace but it has become a family, here we celebrate all the major events such as Monthly Meet & Greet, Festive Events, Social Awareness Events together and they spend maximum of their time here with one and all making it a close knit Community!

A community in a coworking space plays a major role in the establishment of the coworking as well as in its effective functioning. A coworking space is known by its community- the clients who work together, day in and day out, enjoy the perks of a coworking together and participate and network for and with one another in all the events as a whole!

The Address Encourages Community By The Following Ways:

1. By Organising Events

The Address has a set of annual events as well as monthly events which consists of Breakfast Gathering, Korebi Coffee Tasting Event, Health Check Up Drive, Sports Live Screening. Various different days are also celebrated here at The Address- World Environment Day, World Theatre Day, Friendships Day, Women’s Day, International Yoga Day, World Book Day, National Sports Day and many more to follow. We even have grand celebrations for festivals like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year Party.

2. Providing A Platform For Networking

We have a variety of clients and coworkers who come from various MNC’s, Startups & Freelancers from IT companies to Digital Marketing Firms to Uprising Startups to Established Real Estate Companies, we have it all here at The Address- Our relaxation area, gym, pantry area and during the events, frequently all these co workers come together in day to day terms and get a chance to network- pitch their ideas as well as learn a few from their fellow coworkers.

3. The Community Group

All our clients are added in a whats-app group that is ‘The Address Community’. For Birthdays & Achievements of one and all- well wishes are conveyed. For any issue or inconvenience- the management is informed and it is taken care of. If the clients have any sort of requirements or help needed- they freely ask their coworkers if anyone is interested. So The Address, through this group provides a medium for its community to connect as a whole.

Apart from all this, the community feels free to reach out to one another for any xyz thing, they ping one and all and ask them for their suggestions or opinions and the same way they feel free to communicate with the management as well. And Team The Address is on their toes to solve any issues or queries our clients have. The team aims to bridge the gap between coworkers and encourage them to come together as a close knit community!

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